Cota is a little municipality near the north-west of Bogotá the capital of Colombia; it is quite calm and still preserves colonialism architecture, but beyond of the houses, people, streets, beyond of we called civilization, there is a little indigenous reservation, where the transmission of ancestral values and knowledge preserves a little, but, at the same time an important part of traditions.
Muyskkubun is the idiom used by people that belongs to Muiscas community; nowadays few Colombians speak Muyskkubun as the use of indigenous languages was forbidden in 1770 by royal decree in favor o Spanish language for social, religious, economical and political reasons.
Jicamox that means hand medicine is the only one Colombias Public School where Muyskkubun is taught to 150 children whose last names like Tibaquichá, Bocarejo, Balsero or Fiquitiva are a sample of Muiscas descendent.
The school is situated in the north-west of Cotas municipality, is situated in a quite hill, border of normal haciendas, houses and nature.
Childrens education has a traditional primary with an emphasis in this special language and traditions, everyday you appreciate expressions of the students like Chisué that means good morning and Anaxié see you later.
The experience in this school that tries to integrate the normal public educational curriculum with ethno culture demonstrates that it is possible if there are the places and the wants to preserve a little part of what we are.
In Bogotá there are also Chibcha words like Curuba (a fruit), toche (a bird), guadua (a plant similar to bamboo) and tatacoa (a wild animal) among others, although many are unaware its origin.
Cota is a little municipality near the north-west of Bogotá the capital of Colombia; it is quite calm and still preserves colonialism architecture, but beyond of the houses, people, streets, beyond of we called civilization, there is a little indigenous reservation, where the transmission of ancestral values and knowledge preserves a little, but, at the same time an important part of traditions.
Muyskkubun is the idiom used by people that belongs to Muiscas community; nowadays few Colombians speak Muyskkubun as the use of indigenous languages was forbidden in 1770 by royal decree in favor o Spanish language for social, religious, economical and political reasons.
Jicamox that means hand medicine is the only one Colombias Public School where Muyskkubun is taught to 150 children whose last names like Tibaquichá, Bocarejo, Balsero or Fiquitiva are a sample of Muiscas descendent.
The school is situated in the north-west of Cotas municipality, is situated in a quite hill, border of normal haciendas, houses and nature.
Childrens education has a traditional primary with an emphasis in this special language and traditions, everyday you appreciate expressions of the students like Chisué that means good morning and Anaxié see you later.
The experience in this school that tries to integrate the normal public educational curriculum with ethno culture demonstrates that it is possible if there are the places and the wants to preserve a little part of what we are.
In Bogotá there are also Chibcha words like Curuba (a fruit), toche (a bird), guadua (a plant similar to bamboo) and tatacoa (a wild animal) among others, although many many are unaware its origin.
sis choquy choguy! sis nohocan, "father " "padra" nzinga, "paba" guy!